I started in the gi in 2003....I trained it for 1 year before I met Rob Kahn!
Rob focused mainly on no gi...
So I was training only no gi from 2004 to 2009!! I had forgotten everything I learned in my first year!
I was a brown belt and knew I did not want to get my black belt until I felt the same in gi as I did no gi!
So I went on a rampage to learn the pure fundamentals of the gi and also the tricks!
Over the years 2008 to 2012 I focused mainly on the gi!! My technique started to sharpen up and as a result, my no gi game improved 10 fold!
Weirdly enough, by training in the gi and learning everything I can, my no gi game got good enough to win ADCC trials and make it to the biggest stage on earth for no gi!
From training in the gi from 2008 to 2018 each week I have developed a system of how to seamlessly go from no gi and transition to the gi!