“This all sounds great Rob, but what is this self-defense system going to cost me??”
Well I want you to ask yourself an even BETTER question…
What’s it worth for you to save you and your family’s life?
Can you even put a price tag on keeping your loved ones protected?
We’re in a real tumultuous time in our country right now, and things can hit the fan at any moment’s notice.
And relying solely on firearms to protect you is becoming more and more of a gamble these days, with all the legislation going around aiming to put a BAN on guns forever.
This means, even if you do use a weapon in pure self defense, you could still be convicted and go to prison, regardless if YOU were the victim in an attack!
So if you think about it… it’s absolutely imperative you get some sort of close combat, hand-to-hand fight training if you want to ensure your survival.
…Even if it means for you to pass on my self defence system and find some other means!
Remember, your mind and body are your last line of defense that they CANNOT take away from you.
So by all means DO SOMETHING to arm yourself with proper self defense knowledge. Anything!
Your life, and your family’s life could depend on it.
But consider your choices…
You could spend THOUSANDS of dollars a year at a Martial Arts school down the street, and spend grueling hours each week learning to fight other civilized human beings in your class that are much younger…
(…which will be useless in a REAL fight against a nutcase who aims to KILL you with no rules.)
Or you could fly out to Florida, hire myself or my partner Matt for $5,000 just to learn this stuff one-on-one, but we know that’s a pretty big time and financial commitment.
You could risk your life and of those around you by doing nothing at all… in which case, the potential damage or loss is priceless.
The LAST thing I want is for you to lose a loved one, or for your loved ones to lose you when you could have easily prevented it by simply watching just a FEW minutes of one of my module's in your spare time.
And that’s why I’m NOT going to charge you thousands of dollars for you to gain this knowledge – the same amount the government paid me to teach it to the best of the best in the armed forces.
In fact, I won’t even charge you $500… or even half that at $250.
Just for today… I’m going to practically let you STEAL the ‘Unarmed & Dangerous’ self-defense training system…
And turn yourself into an unbreakable self-defense MACHINE…